History of Restored Hope Network

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Restored Hope Network was named in May and incorporated in July of 2012 by a coalition of individuals and ministries who rose to speak into major theological, governance, and leadership issues within our prior association of 38 years.

Truth Squad

Anne Paulk, Stephen Black and Frank Worthen spearheaded the desire to follow Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 18 with Exodus International North America, which Frank called a “Truth Squad” to address these serious issues. We addressed them one-on-one with the Exodus top leader, followed by conversations with their board members in and before early 2012. A large group of leaders Concerned about Exodus--including former regional, national and international leaders in our ministry field--addressed the problems via letter to the Exodus President and Board of Directors. Our concerns and warnings were summarily dismissed by the organization’s President and Board of Directors at the end of April 2012. As a result, Restored Hope Network formed in May of 2012.


Sound biblical doctrine, servant leadership, and solid governance are deeply embedded in Restored Hope Network as core values. The labor of many established this network, particularly the leaders who were elected to and labored on our Forming Board: Andrew and Annette Comiskey, Stephen Black, Frank Worthen, Robert AJ Gagnon, David Kyle Foster, Michael Newman, Joe Dallas, and Anne Edward (formerly Paulk) , who served as the Coordinator of the Forming Board). Joe stepped off the board after a few weeks due to time constraints.

Our first national conference came together September 2012 in Fair Oaks, California and was hosted by New Hope Ministries & HIS Ministry. 125 attended our inaugural conference which included a leader day and 2-day public conference. Joe Dallas was the keynote of our Friday conference luncheon. We also accomplished the first official elections for the board of directors; elected were Anne Edward (Paulk), Andrew Comiskey, Robert Gagnon, Stephen Black, David Kyle Foster, Jason Thompson, and Ron Smith. At that time, the leaders present ratified the Bylaws, Mission and Doctrinal Statements and Anne was appointed by the board as the Network Coordinator.


Through the end of 2012-mid 2013, the board finalized the membership, pastoral and therapist application and requirements, hired Anne Edward (Paulk) as an employee, established policies, and much more. June 2013, we held our second conference hosted by First Stone Ministries in Oklahoma City. That year, the members ratified the transformational and marriage position papers, and the Board of Directors hired Anne Edward (Paulk) to be the first Executive Director of Restored Hope Network.


Since then, we have held our annual HOPE conference either in person or online, our membership continues to grow and includes member ministries, affiliated pastors and counselors around the United States. We are glad to proclaim the biblical truth that Jesus can indeed transform hearts and lives, even in the area of homosexuality. (1 Cor 6:11)