Recommended Resources - Men


Am I Gay smallAm I Gay?: Coming Out of Cultural Christianity & LGBTQ+ Identity Into Authentic Faith in Jesus, Garry Ingraham, Love & Truth Network, 2023. Discover the journey Garry Ingraham took in leaving behind fake cultural Christianity and the emptiness of LGBTQ+ identity for a life of “belonging, purpose, and meaning through the greatest and most enduring love of God.”  Available through Amazon                      



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Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction & the Healing Power of Jesus, Russell Willingham, InterVarsity Press, 1999. When you find yourself addicted to sex, torn by feelings of guilt and shame, there is hope if you will find the courage to face your addiction and ask for help. And that help comes from Jesus, the only One who can offer forgiveness and healing. Available through


crisis in mascCrisis in Masculinity, Leanne Payne, Baker, 1999. Leanne Payne has identified a painful wound which runs through the heart of our culture: sons and daughters who feel abandoned and unaffirmed. Her solution is profound and simple; she calls on fathers to affirm their children. But how can fathers affirm their children if they have never been affirmed themselves? Leanne shows how another Father works grace in earthly fathers' lives, and she shares hard-won insights from the depth of her experience with prayer, particularly with prayer for healing of this particular wound. Available through

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Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who Struggle With Sexual Identity, Joe Dallas, Harvest House Publishers, 2003. the author walks step-by-step with you down the path to healing. First, lay the foundation to spiritual health including motivation to change; then move on to topics such as the origins of homosexual orientation, the process of change, sexual integrity, dating, marriage and more. Available through


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Growth into Manhood: Resuming the Journey, Alan Medinger, 2000. A breakthrough plan for males to re-enter the world of men. What happens when a boy grows physically into an adult male but misses some of the experiences and relationships that help form complete manhood? Alan Medinger writes for such men and for those who care about them. Available through Barnes &


rescue & restoring resizedRescue & Restoring, by Redeemed Seasons Ministries is a 12-part video discipleship experience, designed to help individuals engage intentionally in their own developing story of redemption and pursue more actively the peace and freedom that comes through a relationship with Jesus. Redeemed Seasons has made this resource available for free.  To register go to:  Rescue & Restoring.

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Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality: A New Clinical Approach, Joseph Nicolosi, Jason Aronson, 1997. This book explores a reparative psychotherapy based on an understanding of the development of gender identity, offering to help the non-gay homosexual, that is, one who is unhappy with his sexual orientation. Available here


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Sexual Healing, David Kyle Foster, Pure Passion Media, 2018. Lays out biblical principles for freedom from all sin and brokenness, including Homosexuality, Child Abuse, Transgender, Porn/Sex Addiction, Masturbation, etc. Includes Study Sections & Exercises for pastors, counselors, ministry leaders, support groups & classes. Available through